London, England Saturday, January 4, 2003 |
Many THANKS! to a Totally Kate contributor!
Kate was due on stage at 5pm, but as the 'Auction' ran over, it was about 5:10pm when she came on stage to rapturous applause.I know time is limited and rushed and of course what's interesting to me is what's interesting to you. But first before I begin, I want to thank Adam Malin who always runs an absolutely marvelous show. Let's hear it for Adam. And I want to thank him for having me. And I want to thank each and every one of you for coming. How many of you have come from outside the UK? Let's give them a hand. God bless you. In trying times… in trying times. That's what makes it all worth it. It really does.
Anyway, regarding my year last year, you may or may not know, those of you who do or do not follow my life, and why should you? Even I can't follow my life. My husband ran for governor of the state of Ohio last year on the Democratic ticket, and he lost. But he was in very good company because the whole damn country went to the right. So, I watched him in what could only be called abject amazement and respect. It was a lesson in personal dignity and courage, the likes of which I've never had before. An experience which was invaluable to me and certainly deepened my already great love for this partner in crime of mine. My husband, Tim Hagan. Stand up honey.
We shall persevere, and in an effort to persevere while he was running for his life, I decided to stage a little one woman show called 'Tea at Five' based on the life of Katharine Hepburn, which I started in Hartford to great success, which was of course a great boon to me. And so we moved it to Cleveland and then to Boston and it did so well that I'm taking it to New York in February. (applause) Thank you. I think I will start previews at the end of February, open sometime in March and run, God willing, indefinitely. So those of you who haven't had a chance to see it, and are in for a good swim, (laughs) do come!
One of the highlights of my year last year, a very important moment for me during this gubernatorial campaign, was a little Star Trek Extravaganza which I hosted on my husband's behalf. And I invited many of my colleagues and many of them came. And they were to a man, without question - so beautifully generous, so magnanimous, so spirited, so funny, so great, that my husband said something to me when it was all over which was more moving than anything else that was said to me on the entire campaign trail. And that was, if you ever doubted the merit of what you did for seven years on Voyager, what those people did for you when they came, should put all of your doubts to rest. Because what I did achieve, (not withstanding all of this, and when I stood back and watched that video I thought, 'and I’m still standing!') were great, great friendships and when I watch this I get very moved and very sad because I miss them.
Wonderful friendships were forged. Now it's, of course, more difficult. I don’t see them 19 hours a day. I see them very occasionally and that is a great sorrow to me. But seven years in the trenches does indeed form friendships for life, so that is of unending importance to me and a great grace to my life. So my tenure on Star Trek Voyager never really ends. I've said this before but as I become more reflective, which one does with age, regrettably, I see that it was a way of life and not a job. I thought initially, stupidly, that it was just going to be another great job. I felt very young and very prepared and now when I look back, I see that it actually formed not only a chapter of my life, but opened my life up to very, very many different venues that otherwise would not have had. And most importantly among those would be those extraordinary friendships. So I am forever grateful. And once again, before I go to questions, I will point out which I do to every journalist that I've ever spoken to, and I say this now with even greater meaning than I have before: this fan base is unparalleled for one reason. You understand the dignity, the drama and the very essence of what Gene Roddenberry was trying to do when you tell me that you a Star Trek fan and your allegiance to me by extension has been unsurpassed, unprecedented and I am really very deeply grateful to you and I am in full cognizance of the fact that you are of a superior intelligence than any other single fan base in this universe. (Applause)
Thank you. Thank you.
And now I would love to take questions because I know that it will fly and I want to know what is compelling to you, so if you have a question do come up. Yes, you first darling.
Questioner: Is there any chance of you bringing Tea at Five to England?
Kate: You see she's smart! She follows that on the heels of the single most intelligent and loyal fan base in the universe. Yes, of course, you just tell me when and where and it'll be there! I think with any luck, we will try to bring it to England. I would certainly love to bring it to London. And in that event you will certainly be the first to be notified. I 'd love you to see it. I truly would. It's a pretty extraordinary little piece that Mr. Lombardo has fashioned here. It's two acts. I'm all alone. I am dreadfully alone on that stage and in act one she's 31. Ostensibly at the height of her career but in fact she’s just been labeled box office poison. This is before 'Philadelphia Story' and she's expecting to win the role of Scarlet O’Hara in 'Gone with the Wind'. And in act two, she is 76, following that very serious car accident when she almost severed her right foot. So you get both women, the old one (in Katharine Hepburn's voice) and the very young one (in higher Katharine Hepburn voice.) So I would love to try and bring it over here and I will pass that on to my producers if I can rouse them from their coma!
Next question. Can you come, because I can't… something's wrong with my hearing and … all that phasering and smashing… Oh, there you are. Good voice!
Questioner: I love the way you tried to understand and sympathize with individuals, the aliens, and when you took Seven of Nine on as well, I thought that was very nice.
Kate: That I took Seven of Nine on! She thought was very nice. It was. Thank you. Oh! That was just a comment. Thank God! All right.
Come on up here, Sugar, because I can't hear you all. This is one thing that gets worse with age! Who finds it? And don't you find it so embarrassing? I'm sorry… I'm sorry! Sorry. Yes.
Questioner: I'd just like to say, do you watch Voyager at all now that you are not filming it and are you critical of your acting, because I think it was just fantastic the way you brought Janeway across. It's been such a role model to so many women. Do you watch it now?
Kate: You’re so sweet. I watched…oh my god, what was the finale?
Audience: Endgame!
Kate: 'Endgame'. I watched 'Endgame', with some members of my family because they had not seen any of it. I cannot watch myself. I mean I can stand back and watch that video and I find that very poignant and great, but if it's longer than five minutes… No. It's blindingly horrible for me. You must know that this is very common. That's the norm, not the exception. Any actor who is staring at himself on the screen has an ego the likes of which God himself would like to have. I have not even seen 'Star Trek Nemesis' for fear that the two seconds that I'm on the screen would be too much. Who has seen it? How is it? Is it good? (cheers from the audience) That doesn’t sound very resounding. Is it good? (louder cheers) And how were the reviews? Even there I don't go. Were they good? They weren’t good? Next question!
Yes. Yes. If you come up… don't you think it's easier if you come up and… and… it's a little bit easier. Because I hate to have to… they're not used to it in England because… what did I say to you at the pub today? The best manners in the world, the English. Wonderful manners. Yes madam?
Questioner: I'm Scottish!
Kate: You're Scottish! And as for courage… the Scots!! Yes. Yes?
Questioner: We were all wondering really why Janeway never really got it together with Chakotay. All she ended up with was a damned hologram.
Kate: Now first of all I'm going to say this, Rick Berman, please do not phaser me from afar. I thought the thing with the hologram was the stupidest thing they ever conceived of. She's that desperate? Now God bless Fintan. I love and adore him and I'd take a bullet for him, but puh-lease! Right? And she's running and hiding in the corridors and she's making out with a hologram when there was that gorgeous guy from 'Counterpoint', not to mention my first officer. She lost a few marbles, old Janeway.
Questioner: But how close was she getting to him?
Kate: She never got that close to Chakotay and you’re all gonna say... Because I called it, and here's why. When I began this series, I was of child-bearing years. It was hard enough ladies and gentlemen, to win the loyalty of our strongest demographic which is young men 15 to 27, because they had a woman in the captain's seat who could very likely be their mother. I said now why fuel the flames? It's gonna be hard enough to win them as the captain - the first female. Why push sex at these kids? She's alone. She got them lost. She missed the gas station. She's got a 165 crew and I'm not gonna do it. I'm just not going to do it. What's good for the goose is not necessarily good for the gander. Now I have my regrets. But that was then and this is now. And that's why. I mean, I couldn't really be sleeping with my first officer in all good conscience, could I? Red Alert! Ready Room! Not a good thing, don’t you agree? Not a good thing. I did… I did consummate one love affair for those of you who are really faithful watchers. Don't you remember when I copulated with Mr. Paris and we had baby lizards? Ah, those were the days! Yes? Yes?
Questioner: Hi Kate. Welcome back to England. Do you miss playing Janeway and are you likely to be playing her again in the future, as was hinted at in Blackpool?
Kate: Ah! Blackpool. Strangely enough when you look at that and you look at the body of work and you hear nothing but stories of ardor and rigor and complaints about terrible long hours and technobabble, I miss her very much. I miss her daily. In fact I was sitting upstairs waiting for Richard Arnold to come and get me, and I thought maybe that's why I feel this kind of sadness. My husband and I were discussing it. A reflectiveness that I've had in the last year. I miss her because I didn't just own her, I fell in love with her and that makes for a very dubious parting. It was a very sad parting if any of you want to hear the story of my last moment on my bridge. It still gets to me. Everybody else was released – wrapped about a week before. I had about a week's worth of footage to shoot all by myself, to complete this series. Of blue screens and green screens and close ups and stuff like that. And finally, one day, I think it was a Thursday, around six o’clock, it was the last shot, the last take, print, cut and 'Miss Mulgrew, Captain Janeway, that's a wrap'. And before I could get out of my chair, they were beginning to dismantle the bridge and the lights started to go out because they had to move to the next sound stage. Now it sounds horrible, but this is life. I embraced each one of the crew, the cameraman, the operator, the focus puller, all those, my stand-in. I embraced them, thanked them warmly. I knew I was going to see them at the party the next night. But let me tell you, it's a rude awakening when that's been your home for seven years. Your chair, and some guy whom you've never seen before, who looks more like an alien than Species 8472 ever did… So I'm up and I'm out of the chair and the lights are dimming and I see a silhouette in the doorway, and he stands there quietly for a moment and I recognize him and he comes towards me and it's Bob Picardo. He didn't say one word, just put his arms out and we stood there in an embrace for a few minutes. Had a good old cry. So that was the end of it on the bridge of Voyager. Sad, isn't it? Sad, and come to think of it, now I'm mad!
Questioner: Kate, just one more thing. I'm not sure what is wrong with the American people… your guy should be in the White House.
Kate: Ahhh…Thank you. Thank you.
And to answer the latter part of your question – you have lovely hair, by the way - regarding the movie future of Voyager, I read this very interesting interview in which Mr. Berman said 'if there's a profit to be made of a dollar fifty, Paramount will be ordering a movie'. So that's why I asked about the success of 'Nemesis.' It’s all about numbers, unfortunately, isn’t it? Which I detest, don’t you? Loathe that, philosophically and every other way. Yes? Chad! How are you?
Questioner: Hi, how are you?
Kate: Good! Handsome, isn't he? Don't you think he's handsome? Can you see him?
Questioner: Well you said that in Las Vegas.
Kate: He's so handsome at this age and then something happens! Yes my dear Chad, what is your question!?
Questioner: I think that you play Janeway everyday because you help people all the time. You have that charity thing.
Kate: Alzheimer's.
Questioner: Yeah, Alzheimer's. I think you're the greatest person. You're like my role model and I try to do things your way.
Kate: How old are you?
Questioner: I'm fourteen.
Kate: Adam, could we possibly make a trans-Atlantic call to my sons? Nothing else that could be said could make me happier than those words.
Questioner: Thank you.
Kate: Thank you Chad. Pretty great, isn't it? But trust me darling - my ego is flying but I feel that I must tell you in all honesty that I’m not Captain Janeway every day, and I’m not good twenty-four hours a day! Would you please get my husband another drink Adam, quickly and I thank you for thinking that I am! I try to do my best, I have a wonderful husband who does do his best all the time, and I think if you don't try to be good and extend yourself and remember that life is a gift, not to mention a mystery, what the hell is it all about? Right? That's it.
Questioner: I also think that you should do movies too. Are you doing a lot of movies? Is there going to be any movies?
Kate: Of Star Trek? Of Voyager? Movies movies?
Questioner: Not just Voyager, but any movie.
Kate: Well I’m gonna do this play first, and then if I can still walk and talk we'll see if I can… if we will do some movies. I'd love to, but you know life is not always what you think it's going to be. It has its, you know, funny way. The currents of life are unpredictable and I think maybe that's going to be my next greatest test. At my age…I almost told you my age! It almost leapt out of my mouth and then I caught it! One hopes only to age with grace right? You have no idea what I'm talking about. Thank you sweetheart. So sweet. Ah! So young! Yes, yes?
Questioner: What was your favorite episode to make?
Kate: My favorite episode? Boy that's tough isn't it? In seven years plus, how many episodes did we shoot? How many? You know a lot more than I do. How many was it?
Audience: One seventy-nine.
Kate: How much?
Audience: One seventy-nine
Kate: Really? Some come to mind more quickly than others. I loved the finale, 'Endgame'. Loved 'Endgame'. I had a big hand in 'Endgame' both writing and casting, and I was quite committed to that finale. I loved 'Counterpoint'. Do you remember that? I thought that was a real challenge for Janeway in terms of playing about four different layers at the same time. Let her show a little sensuality. I loved 'Deadlock'. Two Janeways. I love it always when there's an old Janeway and a young Janeway. And I love it always when there's a terrific moral dilemma. 'Deathwish' I thought was terrific and that was season two or three. It was early on wasn't it? So they're innumerable. They really are. There were very few I didn't like and if I didn't like them it's probably because they were bottle shows. Do you know what that expression means? We were saving money between big budget shows, so they were shot entirely on the ship and they're usually interpersonal, you know, involving a petrie dish and a gun or something, so... I liked almost every single one of them and I thank you for that question.
Questioner: I brought these flowers for you.
Kate: You're so sweet, how nice, what's your name?
Questioner: Lela. I met you in Blackpool.
Kate: You met me in Blackpool. I'm sorry sweetheart. Well, how many people were in Blackpool? And do you know that I signed every single autograph? Thank you. How very, very sweet. How nice. Do you know that I love flowers? How do you know that I love flowers?
Questioner: I brought you flowers in Blackpool and you liked them.
Kate: Don't tell me we lived together in Blackpool or I’ll really get upset. You're a very lovely girl. How old are you?
Questioner: Fourteen.
Kate: And how long have you been interested in Star Trek?
Questioner: Since Voyager.
Kate: Voyager. So did it have something to do with a woman Captain?
Questioner: Yes.
Kate: Or did it have something to do with you wanting to be an actress?
Questioner: Both.
Kate: And are you going to be an actress?
Questioner: Yes, even though my mum doesn't approve.
Kate: Where's mum? Is she here? Mum, Mum come on up. Come on! I want to ask you, let's just have a little chat - and don't forget Mum, I've got the flowers! If you'll come over here, first of all you have a lovely daughter. So your job is done, and done well. You're 14. And is also - finished. She's formed. She's absolutely lovely. Now if you'd step to the microphone so everybody can hear your answer to this question. Lela, you go next to her and hold her hand. Why do you object to your daughter becoming an actress?
Mum: I just think it's a hard thing to do and you just have to be at the right place at the right time really.
Kate: But aren’t all things?
Mum: Well, yes, but fortunately she's had you as a good influence.
Kate: Nothing in this world is more important than having a passion for something. It's entirely up to Lela to do it and if she's worth her salt, and look at her salt in those beautiful blue eyes she will do it and you must help her.
Mum: I do help her! I'd like to try for her. Can you help me?
Kate: You have to say to her from now on 'I will help you become an actress', because she has nobody but you. If it weren't for my mother, I wouldn't have done it. My mother was absolutely crucial. She needs you to help her. Do you promise me that you'll help her and then she'll be a great actress? You will have no further resistance from your mother, Lela! Thank you very much.
Questioner: (mother) Thank you.
Kate: By the way madam, I was only twelve and I know it's hard. Mothers just think their daughters will never be able to withstand it. Well we do. Look… the Mum is going 'don't you ever do that again!' Yes. Yes?
Questioner: Hi.
Kate: Hi!
Questioner: I'd just like to say it's fantastic to meet you. You're as fantastic in the flesh as you are on the screen.
Kate: Thank you very much.
Questioner: And, it's not particularly deep, but have people ever compared Janeway to Kirk? Because I got into Star Trek through the original series and Picard is fantastic for his thinking and everything. Sisko is okay, but I didn't really get Deep Space 9 that much, but Janeway is just action packed - way out there, same as Kirk was, but a bit more thinking.
Kate: Have they compared us? Only physically! The maverick quality, the shooting from the hip quality, yes, and strangely enough, you know, I adore him. He was the first one to come for my husband's campaign and stand up. Bill Shatner. He's a very, very, very good and generous man. I loved his irreverence and I tried to give Janeway a little bit of that. So yes. Certainly I never get compared to the man who never had a hair problem. Never! I never get compared to Picard, and anyway comparisons are odious, but I think if you had to draw one, I would prefer it to be with Kirk. I admire him as a Captain. Happy New Year, sweetheart. Thank you very much. Very much. Come forward please.
(In response to someone off stage) Can some people come over here? Would you mind coming over here because it's… I'm putting my…Not terribly compelling backside to this side of the room… yes, I'll take you …
Questioner: Hello. It's just a sort of dream of mine that I've always wanted to do is being an extra in Voyager, so the next film you have, or if you have the Voyager film, can you come up to Scotland or England so I can become an extra in your next film?
Kate: I'll beam you right over there. It would be fun for you, wouldn't it?
Questioner: Yeah. I'd love it. You're my best Captain, by the way.
Kate: Thank you. Thank you very much. Well, that's why I say I love these crowds, because not only, according to you all, am I doing the next movie - you're all in it with me! Which is fabulous! I would love to see you there. Thank you, thank you very much, 'Braveheart'. Don't you love the Scots? I have a little Scottish blood in me. Thank you! Don't tell my father! Yes?
Questioner: My first question is would you like to go into space yourself?
Kate: This had been asked before by an astronaut. I know I'm supposed to say unequivocally and unhesitatingly - of course. That's a big one, isn't it? You know the only person who has booked a seat is (turning towards Tim) what's his name sweetheart, the pedophile, who's in jail for ten years? Pee Wee Herman. Do you know he booked a six million dollar seat to space? That was before they found him fooling around with two year olds. So would I like to go to space? On principle, theoretically, yes of course. How extraordinary. Would I actually have the courage to do it? I don't know, but I like doing it there (pointing to the screen behind her). Would you?
Questioner: Yes, I would love to. I really would love to.
Kate: You would go through all that strapped in there?
Questioner: Yes, I'd love to go to space.
Kate: Well, you see. How many of you would? If you could…
(More than 50% put their hand up.)
Kate: I’d go to Space in a minute too! (turns to her husband) Would you, Tim? You wouldn't go, would you? No. I think it requires a certain kind of… you know there are a lot of… accidents, aren't there? Okay. Thank you.
Questioner: Another quick question, Robert Duncan McNeill was saying that he had a bet with you that you bet him $15 that you wouldn't talk like Garret about his dialogue. He said you never paid him.
Kate: Ah! I never paid him his $15 is that what Mr. Paris said. He should be lucky he is still breathing. The nonsense those boys pulled on me (to Tim), and you saw it didn't you? Really I should get a medal. Not for Janeway. Four of them every Friday night till two, three, four in the morning I saw more flesh than one could wish to see in a lifetime. You tell Mr. McNeill, the next time you see him, I’ll give him his $15 and not to worry about it, right? Can you believe Robbie? Thank you. Thank you for conveying messages from my colleagues to London. Yes? Madam?
Questioner: I'd like to know if there was anything that you feel should have happened in the series that didn't happen or wasn't explored enough?
Kate: Was there something in the series that should have happened that didn't happen? Oh a great many things I suppose, but anything in particular? I can't think of anything. Oh there is one thing, I'll go here with you, don't want to open a can of worms, but why not? Roddenberry always talks about transcending gender, class, type, religion, philosophy. He didn’t do it with sex. We didn't have a gay senior officer and I think we should have. I think it's time. So I argued this point but I didn't win it. I mean this is up to Paramount, but I feel that if in fact one is going to adhere to the principles of one's contract with oneself ,ie., Mr. Roddenberry, that would be more than timely right now. Don’t you think? Accurate and appropriate. So that is my one regret. And I would say a greater fleshing out of Janeway's private life, but in a full and deeply realized way. There just wasn't enough time. Nine crew members. Everybody has to be explored, right? So, does that answer your question?
Yes. Happy New Year, sweetheart. A sweetheart, isn't she? Lots of pretty hair here. Enviable, pretty hair. Yes, ma'am? I have ten minutes, thanks Adam. Yes? (audience groans). I know! See… it flies.
Questioner: I have only two really small questions.
Kate: Who is that? Is that your boyfriend on your tee-shirt?
Questioner: No.
Kate: Look at her tee-shirt! What is your question?
Questioner: Do you want to know who is my husband?
Kate: Yes!
Questioner: Mark Shepherd from Deep Space 9.
Kate: Oh! Really?
Questioner: Oh, that's okay.
Kate: Okay.
Questioner: Don't tell him that…
Kate: Oh dear…
Questioner: No, my question is have you ever met your German Voice?
Kate: Did I what?
Questioner: Your German voice. We translate everything into German.
Kate: Oh, my German voice. Have I ever seen me as a German? Is that what you're asking me?
Questioner: No, the person who speaks…
Kate: Have I met my German voice? No, is she here?
Questioner: No, but she looks exactly like you. It's so funny.
Kate: She does?
Questioner: She could be your sister, really.
Kate: She could? I'd like to meet my German voice, but I'd very much like to meet my Japanese voice. Even that one blows my mind. (does an imitation) I've watched her. She's fantastic. No, I would like to meet her.
Questioner: Is it true in October you are coming to Germany?
Kate: I am coming to Germany in October. Yes. Say something to her, do you know her?
Questioner: Yes, I could.
Kate: It would be great to meet her. Yes. Thank you very much and thank you for coming. Happy New Year. Good luck to you.
Hello. Ah… another handsome one. Yes?
Questioner: I was just wondering if you've actually ever met Katharine Hepburn?
Kate: I've not met Miss Hepburn and I think it is probably to my advantage that I have not. I meant to meet her many years ago when she was doing 'A Matter of Gravity' on Broadway. I was going to audition for the ingénue but I didn't and I'm just as happy now. I think if I had met her, the weight of her personality - she is after all an icon isn't she - would be possibly so big that it wouldn't be erasable from my memory and therefore my imagination would be thwarted by it. This way I can realize the Hepburn of my imagination as well as the historical Hepburn.
Questioner: So you think maybe by meeting her that might have influenced you a bit?
Kate: I think so. I think it's a good thing I didn’t. (in Katharine Hepburn voice) I mean, can you imagine? Can you imagine? Daunting right? What are you doing you old poop, sit down! Anyway thank you very much for that question. You know she's with us but rather infirm now. She's 96 years old and I think she has become very reclusive in her childhood home of Fenwick, Connecticut. So I don't think that she herself will be seeing this play, which is also probably a very good thing. Yes? Yes, ma'am.
Questioner: Loads of people have been talking about your hair.
Kate: My what?
Questioner: Your hair.
Kate: My hair.
Questioner: Which one was your favorite style…?
Kate: Now, you know, I don't want to get upset about this! Here is her question, 'lots of people have been talking about your hair, you know the long and the short'. Why? Did you ever ask Patrick Stewart? No! And did Patrick Stewart ever have to have 52 people staring at his bleeping hair? No. For the first three seasons I thought I was going to go mad. Here's my theory about the hair. You could yank every strand of it off my head and I wouldn't miss it as Janeway. I so wanted to work. They were fussing and mussing and trussing. It was constant. Everybody – and this is why. They were so concerned that the first female captain might not stand up to the plate. That they might actually lose. That in order to target their anxiety they had to choose something that was benign enough to cover the truth, which was that I was a woman and would men watch a woman captain and would they go for it? So what did they fool around with? My hair. How many hair-dos did I have in the first three seasons? Forty! Was I ready to put a bullet through my brain? Absolutely! It's agony, honey, as an actress. It's agony. Every time before we'd shoot… and five minutes with it - and every strand of it. Do you remember Tim? Lower the lights, higher the lights, get the hair spray, get the thing, get the scissors, get the hmmm… 'action' and then you've got a five page monologue and you can't remember one thing because it's been all about your hair. Who cares about my hair? Do you thing I'm getting hot under the collar about my hair? My hair was upsetting to me. Lets talk about something else. Happy New Year, sweetheart. Wouldn't it be upsetting to you? I get mad. Patrick Stewart never had one moment's problem with his hair. Poor thing! Yes? Yes?
Questioner: I have only seen the trailer for 'Star Trek Nemesis', but you appear in it.
Kate: Oh. Am I in the trailer? I haven't seen the movie. I already said that didn't I?
Questioner: I think the trailer is brilliant, especially with you in it.
Kate: Thank you.
Questioner: How did you feel about being asked to do 'Star Trek Nemesis'?
Kate: I felt honored. I thought it was very nice that Mr. Berman would want me and to promote me in such a fashion. There's no going back you know. I'm an admiral now. I thought it was great and smart of him to do it. Was anyone else from Voyager in it?Audience: No.
Kate: Yes, I felt very honored! Do you have any other questions? What's your name, honey?
Questioner: Chris.
Kate: How old are you?
Questioner: Seventeen.
Kate: Guess I didn't do too badly with this demographic, huh? Thank you, honey. God bless.
Questioner: Good evening. On behalf of two organizations, the University of the Philippines League of Internet Communicators and the Young Women Scientists, I have gifts - touristy gifts for you. The cap is for Ian and the mug is for Alex and this is for you and Tim.
Kate: Ian is my oldest son. It says Cambridge University. From your mouth to God’s ears. A mother's heart! How sweet, the … what of the Philippines?
Questioner: Take it from all of us. Everybody in the Philippines.
Kate: And you are a scientist?
Questioner: Yes, I am.
Kate: You go to the University of Cambridge?
Questioner: God bless him. Thank you. Yes, I do.
Kate: Yes, now we have to get into this, what aspect of science are you interested in?
Questioner: I'm in biotechnology. I hope to make new pharmaceuticals someday.
Kate: You hope to make what?
Questioner: New pharmaceuticals. New drugs, new antibiotics.
Kate: How old are you?
Questioner: I am twenty-five.
Kate: What’s your name darling?
Questioner: My name is Mawi.
Kate: What a great pleasure to meet you. How long have you wanted to be a scientist?
Questioner: Since I was six.
Kate: And you are Filipino?
Questioner: Yes.
Kate: So you came just to go to University?
Questioner: I have to go back to school on Monday, but I wanted to come back early.
Kate: I see. Yes. What an extraordinary dream. You must be incredibly bright. Are you? You are, aren't you?
Questioner: My mother tells me I am.
Kate: Not only is she bright, she's modest! Really, what am I going to do about my sons? I think that you are extraordinary. You see what's happening to women in the world today. She explained to you what she's doing. I mean the sky's the limit! What was your GPA? Do you know what that is? Is it the same all over the world?
Questioner: Yes, I do.
Kate: What was your GPA? 6.2.
Questioner: 3.69.
Kate: 3.69. That's very, very good.
Questioner: Miss Mulgrew, the convention is not about me. I feel (applause from the audience)…
Kate: Now wait a minute. That's where you're wrong. It is about you. And now you've brought a cup for my son, so one hopefully will go to college, the other one who will start to drink..! We know he's doing A-okay in that regard! And this one?
Questioner: This is for you and Mr. Hagan. It's a book called …
Kate: 'The Magic of the Philippines.' And do you know I would love to see it. (to Tim) It's for you too honey, so get that wanderlust stirred up back there! He doesn't like to travel very much. Likes to read.
Questioner: The reason I gave you these – it's a handy bag - is because I wanted to be the first, well probably not the first, but one of the few fans to thank your family for sharing you with us so many years.
Kate: How nice of you – how nice of you. And its really no sacrifice! You are very generous, good luck to you. (aside) Yes. Definitely we'll do that. I'm happy to do that.
I’ll take this question from you… I want to talk to this young man. Yes, madam. Hello, how are you? Can you go to the mike so that everybody can hear you? Thank you
Questioner: What is your favorite alien?
Kate: My favorite alien changed over the years. It certainly wasn't the Borg. No, and I don't mean that speciously. I found them at the end not to be as frightening as, shall we say the Vidians, who used to scare me. Organ stealers, organ eaters. 8472 wasn't bad either. What was the other one? You're all so much better at this game than I am!
Questioner: Hirogen?
Kate: Didn't scare me at all. No. Big cowboys in space, weren't they? I used to laugh at them. Of course it was funny just to see me with the Hirogens, wasn't it? (looking upwards and wagging finger) 'And you better put that down!' It was a joke! So those would be my thoughts. Wants to cuddle! Thank you. Happy New Year, and thank you very much Madam. Nice to meet you. That's more action that I've had in days. Hello darling, how are you?
Questioner: Fine. You're my favorite actress in Star Trek.
Kate: What a darling guy you are. Do you have a question for me? First of all can you tell me what your name is?
Questioner: Sean.
Kate: Sean, and how old are you?
Questioner: Eleven.
Kate: Eleven years old, and you liked Captain Janeway? Why? That's where they always have the problem! What's your question for me Sean? He doesn't have a question. Can I give you a hug? I've got to come down for this one. Give me your hand, here. Thank you Sean. Let's hear it for him, that's courage for you. Ata boy. Lovely human spirit.
Questioner: Hi. It's a question for Tim.
Kate: For Tim? Well come on down! Come on darling.
Questioner: Sorry to hear you lost the election, but will you be campaigning in the next one?
Tim: Will I Captain? (cheers from the audience) I honestly don't know. It was a tough election and the country's gone to the right, as Kate pointed out, so it's really tough to consider it again. In America the question of money - raising money - has distorted the political process terribly so, so I don't know. I'll have to think it through. (Kate is nodding furiously and the audience starts to laugh) Thank you very much.
Kate: Does anybody have a personal question for my husband? (screams from audience but no questions) Yes, I think he will run again, to answer your question but of course you didn’t ask me did you? Yes?
Questioner: Which of your co-stars did you get along with the best?
Kate: Very tough. True love from almost top to bottom. Bob Picardo, one of the finest people I've ever known. See… I can't get away with it. Love him, love this guy. Robbie McNeill was my neighbor, so I spent more time with Robbie, and I adore him. Funny, full of life, mischief. Same goes for Tim Russ. Roxann, dear to my heart and a great, great friend. Probably the heart and soul of the ship and without question the most constant and constantly good person I have ever known, John Ethan Phillips. A superb company from top to bottom. Not a bad apple in the barrel. Now there are oranges! A great company and that's why it was such a great seven years…and she too was great. She lifted the series up and she gave it another… I'm losing…I can’t remember words. So it was a wonderful company. Does that answer your question? Yes, and I thank you for that, but it always stirs me up, you know. When you're with them so much, you just find yourself falling head over heels in love with all of them, intimate. Thank you. He got so much more than he asked for there, poor guy. Thank you , thank you, He's been trying to get to his seat for two days.
Questioner (wearing Seven of Nine T-shirt) Should I hide the orange?
Kate: No, of course not. She's got a wonderful new series. Have you seen her on it? 'Boston Public.' She plays a teacher. It's very successful. And she's very good on it.
Questioner: Has being on Star Trek with Gene Roddenberry's vision of the world changed the way you see the world?
Kate: Yes it has. It's changed the way that I've seen people. People less fortunate than I am, and young girls. I see now more than ever that it is crucial that we tell young girls that their dreams are just as big, just as important and just as realizable as any man's, and they need that little extra bit of help. I think if I were to look back and say that if there were one single greatest achievement that Janeway, by extension, had with the public, it would be my influence over young women in the world. Small, but enough, I know because they've told me when they've written to me and that little bit means the world to me, so…
Questioner: Thank you.
Kate: Thank you very much. Speaking of young, beautiful, brave, intelligent, forward looking, magnificent, shall I go on? Women. Here she is. Yes?
Questioner: Hi. I know you've got a lot of Irish blood in you, so I was wondering if you could do an Irish accent.
Kate: I do have a lot of Irish blood in me, yes and I’m not sure it's stood me in good stead what about you? (in Irish accent) Are you Irish?
Questioner: I'm half Irish.
Kate: You're half Irish, that'll be good enough. Thank you very much. It's good to be Irish, but we're a melancholy lot. Great poets, but also great on a pub stool, aren't we? The great thinkers, but I'm happy I'm Irish, I'm happy.
Questioner: Scots are worse drinkers.
Kate: You're not worse drinkers than the Irish.
Questioner: Yeah…
Kate: They're greater drinkers? And that's why you haven't stood up in the last fifty years?! How old are you? You're twenty-one? And you should know. Do you know? Who's that sitting next to you?
Questioner: A stranger.
Kate: Thank God! Well… good luck to you! Does that answer your question darling? Do an Irish accent. My son made me do that two weeks ago, strangely enough in a bar! Hmmm… Yes?
Hi honey, how are you?
Questioner: What's your favorite piece of technology?
Kate: What is your name?
Questioner: Chris.
Kate: We're gonna get around this some way! I think my favorite piece would be a tricorder as it can be used to analyze or diagnose and it would be useful today in many situations. Much more so than a phaser.
Questioner: (paraphrasing) Would Kate violate the Prime Directive?
Kate: (paraphrasing) Absolutely. Janeway did on several occasions.
Editor's note - Transcript is missing a few end remarks.
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